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Monday, November 23, 2009

Other Fruits Too Cannot Compromise With Banana

Cynthia says:
Peel banana, peel, peel banana.
Shake banana, shake, shake, banana.
Show banana, show, show banana.
Pee banana, pee, pee, banana.
Okay, he isn't peeing. He disobeys my order!

Kita goreng sama dia. Jadi pisang goreng.

Looks at the pear and strawberry. They are so freaked out with semi-nude banana. Ho, ho, ho.


theeggyolks said...

LOL!! pretty creative piece of art :P

Weird Dan said...

LOL.. But I love bananas.. how oho?

Cynthia Kim said...

@theeggyolks...Hahaha. Credit to the creator. Anonymous. Dunno who. LOL.

@Weird Dan....hahaha. I hate bananas. LOL

Kelvin said...

lol, the banana is a born pervert in a way, they can strip whenever they want^^

nn said...

hahahahhaha. banana is such a perv. arent there any lady banana? why must it be a guy?? :P

Wil C said...

Pity the banana...lol..where did u even find this photo..haha

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